Saturday, October 17, 2009


Ridiculous Thoughts, Pt. 1

Is it ridiculous to be upset if a casual hookup, someone you have no feelings for beyond lust, gets a boyfriend? That's the curious situation I find myself in. There's this guy that I sleep with whenever I go back home to Boston--- pardon me, that I used to sleep with---- a very nice and good looking man. I liked him very much, which is to say I liked sleeping with him.  While on facebook the other day I noticed that his relationship status was no longer listed as single. Taken aback, I messaged him.  Sure enough, he has a boyfriend.  He hopes he doesn't mess things up with this new guy, because, "he's a keeper." I told him I was happy for him.  "Good for you," I wrote.  And I thought I meant it.  Yet I found myself a little upset. Who the fuck was this boyfriend to replace me? I recognized immediately how ridiculous I was being. Just who did I think I was? I was actually a little hurt that this man would trade sex three times a year with me for regular, emotionally fulfilling boyfriend sex? And the answer was yes. Yes I was. This guy, from what little I knew of him, was one of those gays who was very good looking, very charming, and perpetually single. I say "one of those" as if those kind of gay men are in short supply. But most guys who fit that description are, in my experience, usually single by choice. He wanted a boyfriend; he was just unable to make it happen.  I was under the assumption that he would simply be there, waiting for me in Boston, whenever I deemed it worth my while to go back for a visit. As far as I was concerned, he was going to be single forever. That was his lot in life. Or that was his lot in my life. And then to be suddenly confronted with evidence to the contrary like that, out of the blue, from a facebook profile...I wasn't prepared.  Academically, I knew that I probably played a very small part in his romantic life, as he did in mine.  But I never really thought about anything other than, 'This man is available to me whenever I feel like having him.'   

   I felt ridiculous to be upset over someone I didn't have romantic feelings for, which of course just made more upset.  I had to second guess myself...did I have feelings for him? The answer was definitely no, but at the same time, I think I did feel that if I ever moved back to Boston, who knows.  I had definitely considered the possibility, however fleetingly, that in the future something could, maybe--- almost certainly not, but maybe--- develop.  And of course one day it still could. But, for the time being, it felt like I'd been broken up with from the future.  This is not a feeling I'm used to having. I'm much more used to being broken up with in the present.  

  Then there was the fact that this 31 year old man now had a boyfriend, while at 29 I'm still longing for my first (Well, not longing.  I must now issue the disclaimer that while I'm not actively looking for a boyfriend I would love to have someone special in my life. But I'm very happy being single. Really. Why are you looking at me like that? I'm perfectly happy! OK! Can we please drop it?!).  Anyways, as you can see, this little asshole stirred up all sorts of shit inside me that I would rather keep lying dormant.  I don't want to think about when I'll find the boy who will be my "keeper."  I don't want to hear about my flings' inner romantic lives.  As far as I'm concerned they are as frustrated in love as I am.  So thanks a lot for opening my eyes, facebook, and fuck you, former hookup.  Fuck you for getting a life outside of fucking me. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


San Francisco 3/24/09

   As fun as it is to live in a city as pretty and vibrant as San Francisco, I need a goddamn job, and not because I'm bored.  I need it because I'm fucking broke. I have never needed a job solely for money. Usually it's a combination of boredom and money that drives a job search, but this is the first time in my life I can say I'm honestly struggling simply to put something in the bank. It's a new feeling, and needless to say, not a pleasant one.  Bad economy or not, it's not good for the ego. Meanwhile, on "Jeopardy!", a former high school classmate of mine has just won $100,000 in the Tournament of Champions.  Even before her appearance in this tournament, she was "Jeopardy!"'s highest earning female contestant of all time, with $222,597 in winnings. She has her own page on Wikipedia.  On top of that, she looks way better than she did in high school.  When I knew her she was a soft-spoken flute player with a serious case of acne and frizzy, unkempt red hair.  Now she's kind of a babe.  It always makes me jealous when people make lots of money doing something that takes an hour and is probably enjoyable.  We weren't good friends; since it's been ten years since we graduated, I'm starting to wonder what the chances of her recognizing my voice would be if I attempted to rob her at gunpoint.  

   The other day I walked to the market down the street from me.  There was a bum sitting by the door begging for change. When I went in he asked if I could spare any and I said, Wait one second, when I come back out I'll have some for you.  After purchasing a stick of grape fruit leather I dropped 35 cents in his cup and thought to myself, What a guy you are.  You're pretty broke but you're giving this guy change and he's not even a very impressive hobo. He's not doing any tricks, he doesn't have a clever sign, you're just giving him money out of kindness. What a guy, that Dan Ehrlich, huh?? He looked up and thanked me. Hey buddy, don't worry about it, this is the kind of thing Dan Ehrlich does for people. I started to walk back to my apartment and then realized, shit, I meant to buy brussels sprouts, so I returned to the market. As I walked in, the bum again asked for change. Maybe thirty seconds had passed since I had dropped the change into his cup.  I looked at him in disbelief and cried, "I just gave you some!" When I told my roommate this story later that night he called me an asshole.  I looked at him in disbelief: "I'm the asshole? That goddamn bum should love me, I gave him change." Yes, my roommate agreed, but he's a bum. He's probably not all there, you know, mentally. "Yeah, I know, but it was literally thirty seconds later.  Unless he's completely demented he should have remembered me."  My roommate pointed out that I probably shouldn't take it personally.  "Fuck him!" I yelled.  "That asshole made more than I did today!"   

   It may occur to you that I should accept the fact that not everyone can make money doing very little, get over it, and try harder to find work.  And you probably have a point.  But when looking for work becomes your job, your day-to-day activity, you get pissed, you get anxious, you get a little down on yourself.  When the highlight of your week is a job interview that eventually goes nowhere, when you are doing two interviews just to get a waitering job that two years ago you would have been overqualified for, when you are praying to a god you don't believe in to work in some crappy diner frequented by a bunch of hipsters whose job, it seems, is to look as much like that guy outside the market as possible because they think it's stylish, you have two choices: Let it get to you, or get angry with bums. 

   Last night the Final Jeopardy question was: It was over a century ago that America last had a president without having a vice-president.  Name that president (I realize Jeopardy gives answers, not questions, so you can shut up now. I'm paraphrasing). Without missing a beat she answered Chester A. Arthur, promptly awarding herself 12,200 extra dollars. And she beamed, sort of shyly, or as shyly as anyone can when they know just how fucking awesome they really are.  Well, smarty pants, answer me this: Where the fuck does someone get a job in this goddamn city?

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Those Crazy Australian Opens

My friends, we must pause to reflect on the passing of Roger Federer from the 2008 Australian Open. For having lost to Novak Djokovic in the semifinals, Federer's streak of reaching ten consecutive Grand Slam finals is over. To those who don't follow tennis--- please know that I pray for you nightly--- ten finals in a row might seem merely impressive, when in fact until yesterday it was the greatest ongoing record in professional sports.  Just to put it in perspective: The previous record of consecutive Grand Slam finals reached is four, accomplished by the great Rod Laver, the only man to win all four in one year. Sampras once made three consecutive finals, as did Jimmy Connors.  Federer has broken the old record two and a half times over.  People like to compare Roger with Tiger Woods; both are dominant in their respective sports, but Tiger's record for making the top two in consecutive majors is only four times. Federer hasn't missed a final since the 2005 French, where he was beaten in the semis by Nadal, perhaps the best clay court player ever.  Of the ten finals he played he lost only two, both to Nadal at the French. Without Nadal in the way Fed probably wins both of those tournaments. The mere fact that Federer and Nadal play tennis concurrently can be considered nothing less than a miracle. Without Nadal, Fed might have won ten Slams in a row.  Such a feat is inconceivable; athletic excellence like that is an affront to God.  And so he has sent Nadal. Or Djokovic.  Or perhaps Satan sent them.  However you want to look at it, ten Slam finals in a row will never happen again.  This is not the end of Fed's dominance.  He probably has five to ten more Slams left in him.  But the greatest streak in modern sports is now history. Luckily there is another for us to follow, even if it doesn't have the same ring to it--- 15 straight Grand Slam semifinals and counting.   
Meanwhile, on the other side of the men's draw, more history is being made, this time at Nadal's expense.  The 38th ranked Jo-Wilfried Tsonga dismantled him 6-2, 6-3, 6-2, Nadal's worst loss in a Grand Slam, and Tsonga won because of his deadly net game.  The net is alien territory to most of today's players, and one of the reasons Nadal couldn't handle it was because nobody plays like this anymore.  What's especially amazing is Tsonga's instinct for which exact shot to approach on. Nadal also has the best passing game in tennis-- usually when opponents come to net they are putty in his hands. Tsonga is a big guy, and at 6'2, 200 lbs., he doesn't look all that fast, but he is one gymnastic bear.  One time Nadal tried to pass him with a nasty topspin forehand down the line--- a winner against any other player--- and Tsonga, from the center of the net, leapt to his left, stretched his arms and delivered a slice backhand with so much spin it landed on Nadal's side of the court and flipped backwards into the net.  Point Tsonga.  His forehand is no slouch either; it rivals James Blake's in power.  Tsonga hit winners from every part of the court, while Nadal, the fastest guy in the game, watched balls blow by him with cruel regularity.  

Tsonga is on fire in this tournament, but he is so bloody talented I would be shocked if he weren't in the Top 20 to stay. It's an even bigger coming out party than Baghdatis' two years ago because Baghdatis was an escape artist.  He almost enjoyed being down in matches.  Tsonga is a destructor. Seriously the way he played against Nadal, I think if he played at that level against Federer, he still would have won. I mean, Djokovic's win over Federer was very impressive.  What Tsonga did to Nadal was superhuman. Watching this year's Aussie Open has put me into a permanent state of shock.  I can't feel my extremities and continually wet my pants.  

Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Still Hate Them

What better way to return to blogging than by bashing the New England Patriots? Of course this usually backfires; rooting against them this year has been, well, unrewarding. But there is a silver lining to their perfect regular season: Anything short of winning the Super Bowl means their season is incomplete, and I'm giddy at the thought of them losing to the Jags or Colts, even though there is a good chance they won't. A loss in one of the next 3 games would render their perfect season irrelevant--- better to go 14-2 and win it all.  So there is that to look forward to. Also I can't help noting that everyone outside New England has jumped on the Pat hating bandwagon.  I don't know what took these people so long.  The Pats have been totally hateable since 2001 when they entered the Super Bowl as loveable underdogs and emerged, obnoxiously, as "America's team." Any team as overhyped as the Pats were can't by definition be loveable underdogs. Far more interesting were the 2006-07 Warriors, who shocked everyone by dismantling the Mavericks.  I will take wily Baron Davis and crazy Stephen Jackson over bland, future Republican front-runner Tom Brady and stroke victim comeback Tedy Bruschi any day.  Inspirational sports stories are corny and ridiculous (with the exception of Ali and Jordan). With athletes, I tend toward the unstable.  They need your help.  Being a Pats fan is way too easy.  At this point it's like rooting for Roger Federer.  There needs to be some element of doubt for the big emotional payoff that makes sports so exciting.  No risk, no reward.

I don't know about you but I thought the new "American Gladiators" was a disappointment, mostly because the gladiators were just not that cool. Glistening blond Titan looks like his whole body has been polished with teeth whitener. The glare coming off his body is insane.  Staring at him would probably lead to blindness.  Then there is Wolf.  You would expect a gladiator named Wolf to do some howling, but must he do it every single time he is introduced? He's beyond annoying, as is Toa, who I guess is supposed to be the Native American gladiator because he wears some warpaint and a red feather around his bicep and whoops.  Is the whooping as annoying as the howling? It's a close call, but when you add the fact that Toa also whoops in some sort of fake Indian language, he wins the most annoying prize easily.  Then there is Justice, and what kind of a name is that?  Is this a courtroom smackdown? These four combined are not half as cool as Nitro was.  I wasn't really paying attention to the women, but one is named Helga. This is not a cool name.  The show doesn't use Hulk Hogan cleverly enough either. There should be countless shots of his 24 inch pythons and references to his amazing 30 minute fight against the Ultimate Warrior in Wrestlemania VIII.  Instead he just gives interviews with questions that begin 'How did it feel to ____.' Boring!  As in nearly every reality show, the interviews sound painfully scripted and the contestants make constant references to how they are doing this for their kids. I don't know about you, but whenever someone claims they are doing something for their kids, I automatically root against them. I don't care about your kids dude. I don't care if you are a fucking New York firefighter. Whenever a reason is given to root for someone or something, it's usually cheesy bullshit.  That thing must now be hated.  Perfection and nobility are not attributes to admire in sports teams or athletes, and this, my friends, is why it will be far more interesting to see the Pats go down than it will to see them standing on pedestals as paragons of excellence.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Where have all my drunk sluts gone?

What on Earth is going on with my girlfriends? In college I must have had at least five girlfriends who could be classified as Drunk Sluts--- and I mean that in the best sense of those words: Pretty girls who like to get drunk and fuck boys. No value judgement here. I've been aspiring to be a drunk slut ever since I met them. These girls are hot, if one believes that girls can be hot. All of these girls have fantastic tits. Really. You'll have to trust me on this. I've seen them all naked (straight guys would call this one of the best "perks" of being gay, which it most definitely is not). Each cleavage grander than the Grand Canyon. Each can have pretty much any guy they want. One bedded a gorgeous, muscly, married campus security guard; another did this blond preppy bicycle enthusiast with a great back; another rode this hot little shy boy with the firmest ass on campus. Bottom line: They did very well for themselves.

But now something curious is happening to these swinging single ladies. They're changing their ways. They are deliberately casting aside their powers. They're becoming shells of their former selves, they're becoming pod people: They're becoming.....I can barely bring myself to type the word......monogamists. Now, before you start to think of this as another one of my bitter attacks on relationships, stop. Some relationships are great and many people in them are happier for it. But most of my friends in relationships, up until now, have been relationship people. They work regular jobs. They own property. They have certain responsibilties that are best shared with another, preferrably someone they also like to have sex with. They have lives together. Great, fine, good for them. Basically, the relationship-inclined have a tendency towards predictability and playing things safe. Again, this is not necesarily a bad thing, and I would be lying if I said I didn't, at certain times, want someone special in my life, if only so that I could get head more frequently. At any rate, there was always a relationship type among my friends, but now, with these drunk sluts pairing off like squirrels in springtime, the relationship type is becoming far more difficult to grasp. And I'm truly shocked that these women would throw away their considerable powers over many nice penises for The One Penis. It's like Superman giving up his powers in "Superman 2" so he could be with Lois. I mean, she was swell and all, but he could shoot frickin lasers out of his eyes!

Of the five drunk sluts, 2 were already in long term relationships. And, to be frank, they are the least powerful and least titalicious of the group. And now, in the past 2 weeks, 2 more have fallen. One is already talking about moving to California to be closer to her man whom she just got together with last week! The other has just become engaged. Engaged! Engaged at 25! I want to shake this girl, this fabulous slut who is dismisses any penis under 7 1/2 inches, and scream at her, "HOW ARE YOU GOING TO WASTE THOSE AMAZING TITS OF YOURS?!" Is she really done with all the hot dicks she's had? How can she not want more hot dicks?

At this point it may occur to you that maybe I'm just projecting. And maybe I am, but that doesn't change the facts. The facts are these: These drunk sluts have had some sort of existential crisis, and, instead of letting the dark clouds pass, they have acted rashly. Patience is not one of the virtues of a drunk slut. On the prowl this serves them well, but it's not good for existential crises, which must be faced down, alone, in a dark alley, and kicked in the shins with ball-toed boots. These drunk sluts have forgotten the proper order of things. They have misplaced their priorities. I don't how or why, but I do know they need help. These drunk sluts have lost their way.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


The Supposed Death of Tennis

Almost daily I read reports that tennis is an antiquated and increasingly unpopular sport. Recently, a popular columnist for wrote, “If you want proof that tennis is dead as a sport, just look at the fact that Federer is better at his job than any other athlete is better at their job, then look at how few people feel obligated to watch him or Wimbledon.” Now, I’m one of those who think tennis played at its highest level is the closest sports can come to art. So if this statement is correct, American sportswriters and spectators are philistines, creating another large class of people I will be forced to despise.

Let’s examine the statement more closely then, and let us also give the writer the benefit of the doubt that he means tennis is dead in the U.S., and not the rest of the world. There is no argument to be made with the latter. There are top 20 players emerging from countries where there are practically no tennis courts: Croatia, Serbia, Cyprus. And in these countries players like no.18 Marcos Baghdatis and no.3 Novak Djokovic are the most popular athletes around, even more popular than Michael Jordan was in the States, for these athletes have no one to compete with for the public’s attention. They are the only game in town. In Cyprus, the day Baghdatis played the finals of the Australian Open in 2006 was declared a national holiday and schools and banks were closed so that everyone could watch the match. Dead sports don’t shutdown entire countries.

The health of American tennis is a different ballgame, but any reports of its demise are premature. There is no shortage of talent---2 American men are in the top 10; only Spain can claim that. Still, few Americans seem to root for Andy Roddick and James Blake with the same intensity they showed for Agassi, Sampras, Connors and McEnroe. There is a simple explanation for this: Talented as both men are, they don’t win majors. There is a simple explanation for that too: Roger Federer. Without him in the way, Andy Roddick probably wins 2 Wimbledons, an Australian, and another U.S. Open. Since the 2005 French, nobody except for Fed and Rafa Nadal have won majors. This two-pronged dominance has never been seen in tennis, and the rivalry that has developed between the top two seeds is one of the most exciting the sport, or even sports in general, has ever seen. Americans, however, don’t really care. They don’t like having their athletes upstaged. We are used to dominating individually-played sports on an international level: Nicklaus, Palmer and Woods on the fairways; Connors, Ashe, McEnroe and Sampras on the courts. Americans simply don’t care about a rivalry between a Swiss and a Spaniard.

There are other discouraging signs, like the popularity of Anna Kournikova, a woman who looked far better on fashion runways than on court. She never broke into the top 10 or made a major final, but no matter, she was hot when she grunted. Kournikova was probably more popular in the U.S. than our own Lindsay Davenport, a frumpy-looking lady who won majors but looked like she could have had a career teaching high school gymnastics in a track suit. Martina Navratalova was quite popular in the 80’s, but especially after she defected from Communist Czechoslovakia. So if you’re a guy, be American, and if you’re a woman, be hot, or politically sympathetic. I feel rage boiling inside me again at our shallowness and provincialism but what can be done? This is how our country works.

There are encouraging signs, too--- the TV ratings from this year’s Wimbledon’s final were up 10% over last year’s and for good reason: It was easily the most exciting major final of the last 5 years. Actually, tennis' TV ratings in the U.S. are not much lower than they were in the 80's and 90's. McEnroe has suggested that tennis’ problem is that the sport hasn’t changed in forty years, though the recent incorporation of electronic line calling should help fix that. The U.S. Open breaks its own attendance record every year. U.S. tennis fans are as enthusiastic as ever. It’s the casual fan that needs to be roped back in, and if Roddick or Blake can take down Federer, especially in New York, it would be the most exciting thing to happen to American men’s tennis since Sampras’ comeback in 2002.

Cable to Blake and Roddick: The remedy is in your hands. It's time to kick some Swiss and Spaniard ass! On second thought, let’s upgrade the American tennis condition from dead to light coma.

Monday, July 16, 2007


Lost Wallet/Dying Loved One

Yesterday I lost my wallet and learned that my Bubby (my father's mother) is being moved to a hospice. She is dying of leukemia. She is a sweet lady. When I last visited her in the hospital I asked her how she was feeling. She whispered, 'Better now that you're here.' She tended a vegetable garden in the summer and enjoyed seeing her children and grandchildren wherever and whenever she could. As is so often the case with grandparents, though, I cannot say I really knew her, or know her. We were of different generations and that gap was never closed. When I came out six years ago my mom's mom, who's always been a bit more current, was told about my sexuality, but Bubby wasn't. Why should she? What exactly could she do with such information? I love her but she was never an important part of my life.

Now my wallet, on the other hand, is a different story. Not only do I see it every day I carry it on my person. It's my friend. It carries my credit card, which I just used to buy tennis sneakers and a plane ticket to Spain. It carries my Blue Cross Blue Shield card, and my ACLU membership card, and my scuba diving license. It carries my money, and so, as a Jew, it has a special place in my heart. Sadly, the things in my wallet and my attitude towards my wallet speak at least as much about my personality as my Bubby. I'm really not sure what my Bubby and I have in common except, perhaps, twin feelings of love and embarassment towards my father.

Thus I convinced myself that feeling more upset about my wallet doesn't make me a bad person. But maybe this does...

I really hope Bubby doesn't die right before we go to Nantucket, because that would spoil what it always a fantastic end to the summer, because really, the dead should die at a time that is convenient for the living. I really do believe this. I mean sure, it's alright for them to die during the last few weeks of good weather, but what about those of us who really need to make good use of those beach days? If she's not going to pass away in July she really needs to hold off until September. No, wait, I'm going to Spain then...she really needs to wait until mid-October...oh but what if the Sox are still in the playoffs. On second thought late-October would probably be best.

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