Monday, October 02, 2006


Two on one

I'm getting a new roomate today, another girl, and now the girls in my house outnumber me 2-1. And although the new girl, Steph, is a good friend of mine, she's a better friend of my roomate Kim's, and her addition will almost certainly alter the balance of power. Kim and I have an interesting give and take dynamic in which certain arguments, and certain priorities of hers, usually win out. The same is true for me. When we choose a bar to go to, it's often a mutual decision. But if I have one slight preference and so does she, we go where she wants. The same is true with movies, only reversed. I usually win that one. She often chooses dinner. I choose the red wine. Music is always an argument, and its never pretty. The difference here is that I'll listen to music of hers that I hate to be nice, but she will throw a hissy fit if I put in a great band like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs or Rufus Wainwright. But then I'm a very reasonable and level person.

Now we have Stephanie in the mix, and I have to assume, based on strength of friendships, that I stand to lose ground, especially music-wise. Both of these bitches like country and rap. The shift will not always go against me, but it will most of the time. Now there will be 2 drunk sluts (them) and one stoned wanna-be slut (me); there will be two who love to go out and party and one who doesn't mind staying in on a Saturday night to read; there will be two denim jacket wearers vs. one fleece jacket wearer; there will be One Man against two women. Perhaps it's not healthy to think in terms of war metaphors. There are some encouraging signs. All three of us like cock. So at least I'm not living with any bush eaters. And Steph and I both had the same reaction to Kim's idea of cancelling the cable. Steph sent me a text: "YOU CAN'T LET HER CANCEL THE CABLE BEFORE PROJECT RUNWAY IS OVER!!!! YOU CAN'T!!!!"

I'm sure it's going to work fine, I'm just used to going shopping, making plans, and buying drugs for two. From one roomate to another there exists a straight line of communication and action. Add a third and now you have a triangle, which involves diagonals, and angles, acute and obtuse. Triangulation, whatever it is, is not an easy process. For example, who ever heard of a simple love triangle, or of someone having a good time in the Bermuda triangle? It would be nice if this triangle is of the equilateral variety. With these three forceful personalities we shall just have to see. I mean, a Leo, a cuspy Aries, and Virgo with a moon in Aquarius all sharing the same space?!!! Insanity! Some respond to my anxieties by giddily urging, 'It's going to be like Three's Company!' That sounds all well and good, but poor John Ritter always looked hyperextended and somewhat nervous among those ladies, before he died young from a heart attack.

Hmm, no longer sure dantrums is the right name. Seems to me you're a rather calm individual seeing as you get upset only about once every fifty days.
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