Thursday, February 08, 2007


Hooray for Peyton!

Now that the Colts have won the Super Bowl I have free reign to gloat over my Pat loving friends, and I intend to exploit this opportunity to the fullest. First of all, to Jason and Wes, who taunted me throughout the first half of the amazing Pats-Colts championship game: Fuck you. I warned you not to taunt too early or you would jinx your team. Congradulations. How does it feel to have cursed your own team? Mmm? Wes didn't learn his lesson and sent me another hateful text message before the Super Bowl, something about how Peyton Manning will always be Dan Marino. What's that Wesley? Curse reversed. Here's what was so great about Indy's postseason run: This was their worst team in the last three years, Manning played like shit the first ten quarters, and they managed to win it all anyway. They were down 18 points against their nemesis and then turned it on the second half and completely bowled over one of the best defenses in the league. Just destroyed them. It was a pleasure to watch, and a feat the Pats could never have managed with their grind-it-out style of play. I've said it once and I'll say it again: The Colts are the most exciting team in football in the last five years. The Pats win (sorry, won), but the Colts make winning fun.

Now that the Colts have won it all, I'm going to have to restart the Brady/Manning comparisons. Previously, any attempt on my part was met with the "Brady has three rings and Peyton has none" argument, which has now lost some of its power. Pats fans like to make this argument because, well, it's a good argument; there is no defense. Peyton hadn't won a ring. I won't argue here the reasons why I think Manning is better than Brady, though I will say a quarterback's worth isn't purely a matter of counting Super Bowl trophies. Brady won three Super Bowls with a much better defense than Manning ever had. Dan Marino is one of the top ten QB's of all time, probably top five, but would, say, two rings really move him up that much farther on the list? Maybe a couple spaces. There is not enough respect for what happens during the regular season. At any rate we'll save the Brady-Manning debate for another time.

But it's worth bringing up a new classification of athletic quality, the argument I used before Manning and the Colts won it all, and that is the difference between a solid, consistent player like Tom Brady, and a more explosive, momentum-dependent player like Peyton Manning. My argument was basically: Tom Brady has accomplished more, but Peyton Manning playing at his peak is better than Brady playing at his. I think this is a significant qualifier. Michael Jordan was the best basketball player pretty much all the time. Ditto Roger Federer and Tiger Woods: They are better in general, and at their peak no one can touch them. Brady is one of the best quarterbacks in the NFL week to week, but a few quarterbacks are better than him when they play their best, guys like Carson Palmer and Drew Brees. Steve Young only won one Super Bowl so a lot of people would say Tom Brady's had a better career. And even though I object to the "Brady has three rings" argument, I might agree. Young only really played eight seasons while Brady is about to start his seventh, with many in front of him. However, Young playing his best was better than Brady at his best. Young was insanely good from 1991-94: 106 TDs to 41 INTs; a low QB rating of 101.5-- a higher rating by nearly ten points than Brady's career high; 537 rushing yards in 1992, more than Brady's career total. Tom Brady wins the big games, and you can't argue with that. But still--- I would take the Steve Young of 1994 (35 TD/10 INT, 112.8 rating, Super Bowl ring) over Brady of any year. I suppose you could call this the Wow factor, or the Wow years-- an athlete at the peak of his power.

Here's why I have a huge problem with using rings so sternly as career measurement: The Steve Young-led 49ers made it to the NFC championship game four times, as have the Brady-led Pats to the AFC championship. The Pats won three of these games, the Niners one. Twice the Niners lost to the great Dallas teams that won 3 rings in four years. It's safe to say the Niners would have won the Super Bowl against the AFC teams; commentators often referred to those NFC championship games as the real Super Bowl (Dallas proceeded to blow away the Bills). Without those Cowboy teams, which were some of the best teams to ever play in the NFL, the Niners win three Super Bowls, and Young is considered one of the all time greats. Those Niner teams had the unfortunate luck of being great when Dallas was slightly greater. The Pats never had such an obstacle. So because of two games that Steve Young's Niners did not win, this automatically makes Brady the better QB? I say No. What about the other 120 games or so that Young played? They cannot be discounted only because there was no ring involved. To use rings as a pure measurement of accomplishment is short-sighted and simplistic. Football is a team sport. Only in individual sports like tennis and golf can major championships truly be the measure of an athlete.

Now that the Colts have won, Peyton will earn the respect he deserved in the first place, but he was a Hall of Fame quarterback before the Colts beat the Bears. It was a silly, unpredictable year in the NFL with upsets and comebacks at every turn, capped by the Niners knocking out the Broncos in Denver in the last game of the year. Hopefully an indicator of things to come.

19 will always be greater than 18
no offense sugar, but this was one of your worst writings. Completely full of fluff with no substantiation. First off Drew Brees until 2 years ago was a back up and not a better QB than brady. Secondly, other than the Pats game, all of the Indy games were ass boring, not fun to watch. Where as pats have been part of some of the best post season games in the last decade. Indy is not more exciting to wacth. Enjoy this moment because much like your poster boy Steve O Peyton is a one hit wonder, end of story!
Hey Dan its Marcus. Good for you, and good for, Peyton, but I have to agree with the anonymous dude, that game was fucking boring. Plus there was no reason Manning should have won MVP (when Addai had like over 170 all purpose yards), so that award is already tainted. I mean I'll give credit where credit is due, those Jesus Freaks pulled out a win....but was it exciting from an objective point of view? Did Peyton lead them down at the end? NO, he looked like Trent Dilfer in 2001.

You said it yourself, The difference between Tom Brady and Steve Young was just the amount of big games won, but you can't give him a pass on these. If Stevie had pulled out a victory against those great (Jimmy Johnson-coached) teams then I would buy in to a comparison, because it would be equal to the Giant-slaying wins on Brady's resume (ala 15&1 Pittsburg blowout + 2 Amazing Colts Offenses dismantled + a great game versus the 14 point favored Rams). If anything, the career of Young is more relative to that of Farve's. What drives this all home for me, is the fact that when Brady couldn't pull it out in the last minute versus the Colts this year, his rep took a hit in my book! He DIDN'T win! You have to do great stuff to be one of the greatest (Flat out).

And good god man, one thing I cannot reconcile is you giving credit to Marino. The guy is trash. Great arm and stats, but an AROD through and through.

Keep Smilin'
Hey its Marcus again

"Of course Jeff Garcia day sucked. fuckin Patriots, man. winning the Super Bowl led by a quarterback who looks like he should be fronting the Backstreet boys."
when a closeted yankees/kobe bryant fan such as marcus pokes holes in your argument, you know they're gaping.
Have you ever even thrown a football, catboy!

Crown me the pint size clown of the town
See ill huff n ill puff n ill blow ur house down
Or ill be the boogie woogie woman, in a boogie woogie gown
N ill boogie woogie you with my boogie woogie sound

Seeee i told u that im better
Memba wen peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers
well im pickin a bitter better
a bit of gutter
a bitta huhuh
a bit of evry little dam thing
Production issues? Writer's block? Doran has a blog and he writes in it everyday: pearls of wisdom Loyd, pearls of wisdom!
I agree...I am enthusiastically awaiting a new blog. I miss your opinions.

Your Editor
Honey Baby-

This is getting a little ridiculous.
It's been more than 2 months since you've written.

Make a deadline and meet it!

Your Editor
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