Wednesday, January 09, 2008


Still Hate Them

What better way to return to blogging than by bashing the New England Patriots? Of course this usually backfires; rooting against them this year has been, well, unrewarding. But there is a silver lining to their perfect regular season: Anything short of winning the Super Bowl means their season is incomplete, and I'm giddy at the thought of them losing to the Jags or Colts, even though there is a good chance they won't. A loss in one of the next 3 games would render their perfect season irrelevant--- better to go 14-2 and win it all.  So there is that to look forward to. Also I can't help noting that everyone outside New England has jumped on the Pat hating bandwagon.  I don't know what took these people so long.  The Pats have been totally hateable since 2001 when they entered the Super Bowl as loveable underdogs and emerged, obnoxiously, as "America's team." Any team as overhyped as the Pats were can't by definition be loveable underdogs. Far more interesting were the 2006-07 Warriors, who shocked everyone by dismantling the Mavericks.  I will take wily Baron Davis and crazy Stephen Jackson over bland, future Republican front-runner Tom Brady and stroke victim comeback Tedy Bruschi any day.  Inspirational sports stories are corny and ridiculous (with the exception of Ali and Jordan). With athletes, I tend toward the unstable.  They need your help.  Being a Pats fan is way too easy.  At this point it's like rooting for Roger Federer.  There needs to be some element of doubt for the big emotional payoff that makes sports so exciting.  No risk, no reward.

I don't know about you but I thought the new "American Gladiators" was a disappointment, mostly because the gladiators were just not that cool. Glistening blond Titan looks like his whole body has been polished with teeth whitener. The glare coming off his body is insane.  Staring at him would probably lead to blindness.  Then there is Wolf.  You would expect a gladiator named Wolf to do some howling, but must he do it every single time he is introduced? He's beyond annoying, as is Toa, who I guess is supposed to be the Native American gladiator because he wears some warpaint and a red feather around his bicep and whoops.  Is the whooping as annoying as the howling? It's a close call, but when you add the fact that Toa also whoops in some sort of fake Indian language, he wins the most annoying prize easily.  Then there is Justice, and what kind of a name is that?  Is this a courtroom smackdown? These four combined are not half as cool as Nitro was.  I wasn't really paying attention to the women, but one is named Helga. This is not a cool name.  The show doesn't use Hulk Hogan cleverly enough either. There should be countless shots of his 24 inch pythons and references to his amazing 30 minute fight against the Ultimate Warrior in Wrestlemania VIII.  Instead he just gives interviews with questions that begin 'How did it feel to ____.' Boring!  As in nearly every reality show, the interviews sound painfully scripted and the contestants make constant references to how they are doing this for their kids. I don't know about you, but whenever someone claims they are doing something for their kids, I automatically root against them. I don't care about your kids dude. I don't care if you are a fucking New York firefighter. Whenever a reason is given to root for someone or something, it's usually cheesy bullshit.  That thing must now be hated.  Perfection and nobility are not attributes to admire in sports teams or athletes, and this, my friends, is why it will be far more interesting to see the Pats go down than it will to see them standing on pedestals as paragons of excellence.  

I hate them too!
Let's go Big Blue!!

Baby, thanks for the new blog. Keep writing.

Your Editor
dear crescenet, in your extensive blog-reading, have you ever come across a blog as wonderful as marctrums? the faithful followers anxiously await your critical evaluation.
obviously i need to say that 1)federer is amazing and 2) I'm a patriots fan. As an athlete (former anyway) and coach I think your most recent post is bolocks and Danielle.... I'm disappointed. I know you apreciate the skill of federer and the dominant coaching ability of bill b. not to mention that tom brady just broke the record for being the HOTTEST QB EVER. if Federer was andy roddick you would not say such things. I know you. so this whole post is Shiz. you love the glory. and Dan, winning in the fashion that these athletes are winning is special. because anyone can loose. but almost no one can dominate the way they are. also. BIG BLUE SUCKS. go badgers....jk...=-) thanks for blogging again. see you at blogifesto sometime soon.
peaches and eyescreams.
What do the Badgers have to do with Big Blue? I have nothing against Wisconsion, and am certainly not rooting for Michigan. Big Blue are the Giants...and how can you not love them?
By the way, The Pats are easy to hate and I understand why Dan doesn't like them. Fed is also easy to hate...mostly because he is TOO good and takes away from the rest of the field. Djokovic on the other hand is very easy to like-- he's got a great game, and is very easy on the eyes.
No one likes a team to win all the time, which is why so many people hate the Yankees. We know they're the best, but love to root against them (not me, but some people.)
Have a great day.

Go Badgers.

Dan's Editor
Well, sarah, cresceNet loves my blog ok. They think it's likable. As opposed to say Tom Brady. Unless you like fags who do commericals for mineral water. I mean really. Mineral water?
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